Trustees & Members:

Kishore Bharati Team:

Kiran Yadav is a post-graduate from Graphic Era University Dehradun with a master’s degree in Biotechnology and working for CUBE-Kishore Bharati program. She is involved in activity-based learning by hands-on projects and connecting the learning to curriculum.

Theertha is a Post Graduate in Botany From Providence Women’s College, Kozhikode. She has been active in CUBE-Kishore Bharati program and doing biology research.

Sahamatha received her masters degree in Physics from University of Mysore with specialization in Theoretical Physics. Her interests lie in understanding learners’ ideas and sense making in learning abstract concepts in Physics and Biology.

Jaikishan Advani has been associated with CUBE-Kishore Bharati Program at HBCSE,TIFR since 2012, he has experience of working in field of biology research and science education. He has been active in developing CUBE program, building community of practice for science and understanding cultural aspects of science learning.

Abhijeet Singh, currently pursuing Bachelors In Science from K.J.Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai, he is associated with CUBE-Kishore Bharati since 7th Std from around 2015.

Smiti is an undergraduate college student, she has been active in CUBE-Kishore Bharati program and doing biology research.
Associated Members:

Kishore Bharati as Research Assistant, 2020-21
Past Members of Kishore Bharati
Associated Members:
Ramesh Kundalia: Member, Kishore Bharati
Vasudev Nori: Member, Kishore Bharati
Subhash Shah: Member, Kishore Bharati
Vivek Pinto: Member, Kishore Bharati
Staff Members (Year-1973)
Sankata Prasad and Devta Deen Mishra are experienced village extension workers from a Sarvodaya project in Mirzapur District, Uttar Pradesh. Sankata looks after the Cement Unit, Brick Kiln work and construction of buildings, and deals with the Block Development people whenever necessary. Devta manages the farm and leads extension work for cattle development programme.
Anil Sadgopal, who has a Ph.D. in Bio- chemistry from the California Institute of Technology, USA, and has worked in the Molecular Biology Unit of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, is over-all co-ordinator of the project and particularly involved in the educational programme.
Ravi Chugh, experienced in working with machines, has been trained in a Faridabad industry in the manufacture of chokes and will soon initiate the project. In addition, he assists in office admini- stration.
Dalpat Danidharia has a B. A. in Rural Studies, with special training in animal husbandry, from Lok Bharati, Gujarat. He is chiefly responsible for the activities of the cattle development programme.
Anand Patwardhan, who is a graduate in Sociology from Brandeis University, USA, and has worked with a farm-workers’ union under the leadership of Cesar Chavez in California, is mainly concerned
with education and the social problems of the villages.
Rex D’Rozario, until recently Sub-editor of Science Today (a Times of India Publication from Bombay), is experienced in journalism and mass communication methods. At Kishore Bharati, he assists in the farm and shares responsibilities in fund-raising and related work. Rex also prepares audio-visual aids for the Science Teaching Programme.
Jagdish Mishra, an experienced accountant from the Sarvodaya movement, is stationed at Friends Rural Centre. He spends part of his time maintaining Kishore Bharati’s accounts.
Anita Anand, Sundar Burra and Rashid Shaikh, shared between Friends Rural Centre and Kishore Bharati, were with us until recently. Anita, a graduate in Education from the University of Calcutta, was largely responsible for the administration of the Science Teaching Programme during its early stages.
Sundar, a graduate in Philosophy from Brandeis University, USA, looked after the fund-raising work and helped in administration. Rashid, an M.Sc. from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, was responsible for the follow-up and development of the kit and work-book for the Science Teaching Programme.
Volunteers (Year-1973)
Nandita Haksar, a young graduate from Delhi, was with us for a month during the Orientation Course this year. She helped with the office work and in the preparation of the school kits for the Science Teaching Programme.
Sudarshan Kapur, Co-ordinator of the Friends Rural Centre, has spent a great deal of his energies in helping us to procure the land, and to plan the farming, irrigation and cattle development programmes. He also shares the administrative responsibilities of the Science Teaching Programme, Sudarshan’s help in winning the backing and trust of the local people is particularly appreciated.
Ishwarbhai Rawal and Popatbhai Savani, students of Horticulture and Rural Co-operation respectively at Lok Bharati, spent a month each at Kishore Bharati. Ishwarbhai started a nursery and garden and Popatbhai assisted on the farm.
Subhash Shah, a lawyer from Bombay, looks after Kishore Bharati’s legal affairs and fund-raising. We have continuously benefited from his willing support and advice.
Asha Sippy, who was at the Friends Rural Centre until recently, has given us invaluable support by looking after Kishore Bharati’s correspondence and by helping in the fund-raising work.
Executive Committee (1973-74)
Name & Details
Shri Mahesh Bhogilal, Shree Ram Mills Ltd., Batliboi & Co. Priv. Ltd, Profession: Business Management & Industry, Office Held: Member
Shri Jyotibhai Desai, Gandhi Vidyapeeth, Vedchhi, District Surat, Gujarat 394640, Profession: Rural Education, Sarvodaya Work, Office Held: Chairman
Smt. Ansuya Dutt, Bombay Mutual Chambers, Law, Office held: Member
Dr. Vasu Nori, Shirish Patel & Associates, Structural Engineering, Office held: Member
Dr. (Smt.) Shubhada Pandya, Acworth Leprosy Hospital, Medical Research, Office held: Treasurer
Dr. Anil Sadgopal, Kishore Bharati, Science & Rural Development, Office held: Secretary
Shri Baldev Sidhu, Sibo Agencies, Bussiness, Office held: Member
Shri. Suresh Suratwala, Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Rural Development, Office held: Member
Smt. Geeta Athreya (Kolkata), Shri Ramesh Kundalia (Hyderabad) and Shri Subhash Shah (Bombay) have all been members of Executive Committee for varying lengths of time in the past.
Scientists and Teacher- Trainers:
The following is a list of people who have given us help and guidance in the Science Teaching Programme since its inception in May, 1972. Many of these have participated in the Orientation Courses held so far, monthly meetings with the teachers, follow-up visits to the schools and in preparation of the kit and the work-books.
(In 1972-73)
Physics Group
- Shri C. K. Dikshit, The Doon School, Dehra Dun, All India Science Teachers’ Association
- Shri B. G. Pitre, The Doon School, Dehra Dun, Physics Group, All India Science Teachers’ Association
- Shri S. R. Pande, Editorial Board, Hindi Vigyan Sahitya Parishad, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay 400085
- Shri M. Saksena, Editorial Board, Hindi Vigyan Sahitya Parishad, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay 400085
Solid State Physics Group
- Shri V. G. Kulkarni, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
Molecular Biology Unit
- Dr. S. Chakraborty, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
- Dr. R. S. Gupta, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
- Dr. M. M. Johri, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
- Dr. P. K. Maitra, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
- Prof. O. Siddiqi, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
- Dr. U. N. Singh, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
Space Application
- Shri A. Ramaprasad, Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad
- Prof. Yash Pal, Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad
Lok Bharati, Sanosra
- Bhavnagar Dist., Gujarat
- Prof. B. Mehdi, Department of Psychology Aligarh Muslim University
(In 1973-74)
Physics Study Group:
- Shri C. K. Dikshit, The Doon School, Dehra Dun, All India Science Teachers’ Association
- Shri B. G. Pitre, The Doon School, Dehra Dun, All India Science Teachers’ Association
Chemical Physics Group
- Shri P. Ganguli, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
Molecular Biology Unit
- Dr. S. Chakraborty, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005
Solid State Physics Study
- Shri D. K. Garg, Solid State Physics Laboratory, Ministry of Defence, Delhi 110007
- Shri H. C. Jain, Publication and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi 110012
University of Delhi
- Shri Kamal Mahendroo, Department of Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
- Dr. N. Panchapakesan, Department of Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
- Dr. Raj Rup, Department of Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
- Dr. P. K. Srivastava, Department of Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
- Dr. V. S. Varma, Department of Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
Chemistry Study
- Shri A. Kapoor, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
- Dr. M. M. Kapoor, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
- Dr. K. V. Sane, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
Botany Study
Dr. V. S. Jaiswal, Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
Zoology Study
- Shri K. K. Gothi, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
- Dr. H. S. Vishnoi, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
Physics Study
- Prof. B. Saraf, Department of Physics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Kishore Bharati Group Photos